Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 12, 2014

Vietnamese wedding ceremony

Depending on habits of specific ethnic groups, marriage includes various steps and related procedures, but in general, there are two main ceremonies:

Le an hoi (betrothal ceremony):

Normally, both bride and groom or their parents go to the fortuneteller to see what date and time is best for them. They strongly believe in this date and time so the groom's family and relatives must come on time. Some days before the wedding, they will visit the bride and her family with round lacquered boxes known as betrothal presents. It composes of areca nuts and betel leaves, tea, cake, fruits, wines and other delicacies which covered with red cloth and carried by unmarried girls or boys. Don ca tai tu – The soulful voice floating along rivers

Le cuoi (wedding ceremony):
On the wedding day, the groom's family and relatives go to the bride's house bringing a lot of gifts wrapped in red papers. These gifts are similar to those of the engagement: betel leaves and areca nuts, wines, fruits, cakes, tea ... The persons hold these trays are also carefully chosen, usually they are happily married couples. Ladies and women are all dressed in Ago Dai. Men could be in their suits or men traditional Ao Dai. The troop is usually led by a couple that is most wealthy and successful among the relatives, this means to wish the to-be-wed couples a blessing life together in the future. Full-Day Mekong Delta Tour, Vietnam

The groom's family would stop in front of the bride's house. The leading couple should enter the house first with a tray with wine. They would invite the bride's parents to take a sip. By accepting the toast, the bride's family agrees for the groom’s family to enter their house. The firework is immediately fired to greet the groom's family.

Sapa tours and premier destinations

Vietnamese wedding ceremony
Vietnamese wedding ceremony

The groom's family would introduce themselves and ask permission for their son to marry his bride. The master of the ceremony (usually a respected person among the bride's relatives) instructs the bride's parents to present their daughter. The bride then follows her parents out. She will wear red traditional wedding ao dai, followed by her bride maids. The couple should pray before the altar ask their ancestors for permission for their marriage, then express their gratitude to both groom’s and bride’s parents for raising and protecting them.

Then, they bow their head to each other to show their gratitude and respect toward their soon-to-be husband or wife. The master of the ceremony would gave the wedding couple advices on starting a new family. Their parents would take turn to share their experience and give blessing. After that, the groom and the bride exchange their wedding rings and receive the gifts from their parents such as golden bracelets, ear rings, necklace... The ceremony is ended with a round applause.

After the wedding ceremony is over, there will be a party at the groom's house. Some traditional Vietnamese wedding party is celebrated at their houses (usually in country-side); other is celebrated in the restaurant. This day is the culmination of desires, day dreams, hopes and anxieties. There is a band to play music during their meal. Some guests are free to sing related wedding songs on the stage to luck the bride and the groom. In the middle of the party, the couple goes to each table to get wishes, congratulations as well as money.

Today, a lot of Vietnamese couples have their wedding ceremony done in Temples or Churches which is very much similar to American and Western style, including exchanging vows and wedding rings. However, they still maintain Vietnamese traditional ceremony in the bride's home before heading to temples or churches.

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 12, 2014

Dong Xuan Night Market

Dong Xuan is a street market spreading over a surface of 600 square meters covering Dong Xuan and Khoai streets. Approximately fifty businesses are operating the forty stands selling food, artifacts, souvenirs and tour packages among others.  Tours Hanoi to Sapa

Unlike other Hanoi night markets selling agricultural products in Long Bien and Quang Ba, Dong Xuan Night Market has been mainly created for tourists. With its eleven stalls, the brightly lit food zone is the most animated, serving late night guests until early morning. Tours North Vietnam

Here you can find real Hanoi food, as favored by true-blue Hanoians. The dishes might cost a little more than elsewhere but, you have to taste it to believe it, they are truly delicious. A steamy hot dish of Pho cuon  (beef wrapped in long wispy strips of rice vermicelli, served with aromatic herbs and spicy sweet-sour fish sauce) costs a mere VND10.000. Hanoi & Halong Bay 4 days
Dong Xuan Night Market
Dong Xuan Night Market

You might have your curiosity and appetite titillated as you try to choose from a wide selection of exotic Hanoi dishes: fried frog or fish meat pastes, rice and duck meat soup, fried rice, tiet canh (duck blood uncooked, only if you have a brave heart and strong stomach!), rice vermicelli and beef cooked in the south Vietnamese style and even just beefsteak and bread.

In artifact shops on Dong Xuan Street you will find traditional Dong Ho drawings, Bat Trang ceramics, Binh Da embroideries and laces, and sand paintings, the new craze of Hanoi’s young people. For a modest sum of VND2.000 - 9.000 you can choose one of those ‘raw’ pictures with different designs and patterns.

You peel off the sheet of paper and using the multi-colored sand you are provided with, you paint and create your own masterpiece following a model or ‘ad lib’ following your own inspiration or fantasy.

Like other markets (cho) such as Sapa’s Cho Tinh, Nam Dinh’s Cho Vieng, Lang Son’s Cho Ky Lua and Can Tho’s Cho Tay Do, Dong Xuan Night Market has been set up to meet the needs of locals and tourists. Dong Xuan Night Market is only one of Hanoi’s many efforts to develop tourism and attract international visitors.

A CD-ROM and two books on Hanoi, and two annual Tourism festivals are planned to open new paths and boost tourism in Hanoi. The Hanoi Service of Communications and Public Works plans to expand and turn Dong Xuan Night Market into a no-vehicle zone to lure more visitors to the place. Two more no-vehicle zones are being delimited round Sword Lake, along Khay, Trong and Le Thai To streets and along Ngang and Dao streets.

Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 12, 2014

About Mekong Delta

Your trip to Sapa might be incomplete if you miss a trek to cultural villages which have attracted a lot of tourists nationwide by theirs unspoiled landscapes and traditional customs of ethnic minorities living here. Among many villages, ones introduced below are quite famous and worth paying a visit North Vietnam tours

Discover the authenic Mekong delta and cruise the river in comfort !

The Mekong Delta (Vietnamese: đồng bằng sông Cửu Long “Nine Dragon river delta”) is the region in southwestern Vietnam where the Mekong River approaches and empties into the sea through a network of distributaries. The Mekong delta tours region encompasses a large portion of southeastern Vietnam of 39,000 square kilometres (15,000 sq mi). The size of the area covered by water depends on the season.
As all deltas, it receives the bounty of the siltation from the upper Mekong, and as such is a very rich and lush area, covered with rice fields. It produces about half of the total of Vietnam's agricultural output (in fact the delta produces more rice than Korea and Japan altogether), and is the place for timeless sceneries of farmers planting or harvesting rice.
About Mekong Delta
About Mekong Delta

The Mekong splits in Cambodia into two main rivers, the Bassac (Hậu Giang) and the First river (Tiền Giang), then in Vietnam into a more complex system, creating a maze of small canals, rivers and arroyos interspersed with villages and floating markets.

Life in the Mekong Delta revolves much around the river, and all the villages are often accessible by river rather than by road.

The most renowned places in the Mekong Delta are Mỹ Tho and Caí Bè near Ho Chi Minh City, then, more to the heart of the region, Vĩnh Long, Sa Đéc, and Cần Thơ, from where it is possible to reach the remotest confines of the delta, South towards the mangroves and the East-sea, North towards Châu Đốc, or West towards the island of Phú Quốc.

Climate change concerns

Being a low-lying coastal region, the Mekong Delta is particularly susceptible to floods resulting from rises in sea level due to climate change. The Climate Change Research Institute at Can Tho University, in studying the possible consequences of climate change, has predicted that, besides suffering from drought brought on by seasonal decrease in rainfall, many provinces in the Mekong Delta will be flooded by the year 2030. The most serious cases are predicted to be the provinces of Ben Tre and Long An, of which 51% and 49%, respectively, are expected to be flooded if sea levels rise by 1 meter.


The region is famous as a large rice growing area. It produces about half of the total of Vietnam's rice output. Vietnam is the second largest exporter of rice globally after Thailand. In fact, the delta produces more rice than Korea and Japan altogether.

Additionally, the region is home to large aquacultural industry of basa fish, Tra catfish and shrimp, much of which is exported.

The Mekong Delta has recently been dubbed as a 'biological treasure trove'. Over 1,000 new species have been discovered in previously unexplored areas of Mekong Delta, including a species of rat thought to be extinct


Life in the Mekong Delta revolves much around the river, and many of the villages are often accessible by rivers and canals rather than by road.

The region is home to "cai luong", a form of Vietnamese folk opera.  

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 11, 2014

Phu Quoc Island

Phu Quoc is the largest island of Vietnam. The island is part of Kien Giang province. The district of Phu Quoc includes the island proper and 21 smaller islets.  Moreover, it is also the largest town on this island, whose total area is 574 km².

Situated in the Gulf of Thailand 45 km west of Ha Tien on the Vietnamese mainland and 15 km south of the coast of Cambodia, Phu Quoc is ringed with some of most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, and offers the best seafood in the country. Phu Quoc island and its beaches was voted to be "The Most Cleanest and Beautiful Beach of World" by ABC News as from the end of February, 2008. Bai Sao is located on a private gulf so that there is always small rippling emerging on the coast. Sand has a spotlessly white color and sea is pure as crystal. This is one of seaside resort still reserves its natural beauty. Tourists are free to enjoy sea and go fishing. After that, restaurant will prepare a hearty, harmonious meal from fishes that customers have caught.

Mekong & Phu Quoc island (5 days, 4 nights)

Duong Dong town is known by its dried seafood and native dogs. They are wild animal but have been trained as hunting dogs by local people. Incredible ability in catching fishes or snakes makes this type of dog become well-known in the world. You should take a chance to participate a night fishing- squid journey. It is one of the most attractive activities here. Phu Quoc, however, home to the best fish sauce (nuoc mam), fermented fish sauce in the world, also reputedly known to produce high quality pepper.  Pepper cultivation is located inland in the center of the island. It brings a specific aroma, hot, strong taste that is deeper than other places. Phu Quoc has a monumentally impressive pearl reservation. Local people established separately a village to rear as well as collect pearls.
With a poetic scenery, fresh air and uncommonly special seafood, Phu Quoc not only is a peaceful convalescence paradise but also satisfied almost fastidious tourists with its produce.
Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island 

One of the typical specialties in Phu Quoc Island is herring salad which is a nutritious dish. It is not very difficult for fishermen to catch this kind of fish as herrings are abundant in Phu Quoc Sea. The dish is processed quite simply. After being scaled, cleaned and sliced, herrings are mixed with the lemon juice, sliced chilies and onions to clean all fishy smell and keep raw meat color. The dish is served with vegetable, coconuts and girdle cakes. Herring salad is more delicious when being dipped with the fish sauce made of chili, garlic and fried peanuts. Phu Quoc fish sauce is well known nationwide for its flavor and quality, which much enhances the good taste of the dish.

Herring salad rich in protein is a favorite dish for locals and tourists alike.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 11, 2014

Scuba-Diving in Halong Bay

Halong Bay is a spectacular location for sightseeing in Vietnam. Located in the Gulf of Tonkin, it forms an amazing seascape of limestone pillars along with more than 1,600 islands and islets. Travelers coming to Halong Bay will enjoy not only the boat trip, sea kayaking but also the very scuba diving experience. Scuba diving has been recently opened in Halong Bay making this place a must-sea for underwater lovers. The time from April to December is the most wonderful period for Travellers to join “Halong Bay Scuba Diving”. The temperature of water at this time is from 26-29 celsius degrees. Travel Halong bay

Scuba diving with Halong Voyage – a the special product which no one has done before in Halong bay. Travelers can explore hidden beauty underwater with thousands of splendid coral and fish like sergeant major fish, Clark’s anemone fish. Tourists will see colorful their method survive. Underwater world will make you to feel novel, small and peaceful as come back inside your mother. Tourist will perfect relax and excited to discovery underwater world.  With internationally-licensed, well-trained scuba divers and assistants, we guarantee the safety, papering amenities with friendly and attentive management which make you unforgettable experience. Vietnam tours
Scuba-Diving in Halong Bay
Scuba-Diving in Halong Bay
When tourists snorkel underwater in Halong bay, you will provide useful equipment such as: mask, fins, snorkel, cylinder, exposure suite, compass, regulator…  All facilities are regularly checked and match safety standard. Therefore, it’s unnecessary to worry about your safety.
Some Tips for diving longer and deeper safely

There are a number of techniques to increase the diver's ability to dive deeper and longer:

- Technical diving – diving deeper than 40 meters (130 ft), using mixed gases, and/or entering overhead environments (caves or wrecks)

- Surface supplied diving – use of umbilical gas supply and diving helmets

- Saturation diving – long-term use of underwater habitats under pressure and a gradual release of pressure over several days in a decompression chamber at the end of a dive.

Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 11, 2014

Tips for safe dining of seafood in Halong

Halong, known as the world heritage city with thousands of caves and grottos, is also famous for its abundance of nutritious and delicious varieties of seafood like crab, prawn, fish, or sea-snail. Gourmets who come to Halong can hardy resist the taste of fresh seafood without the worry of gaining weight. However, there is always risk of food poisoning hidden in seafood. Below are some safety tips to avoid trouble with dining in Halong bay tours.

1. Avoid eating raw seafood in general

Raw seafood or unprocessed seafood may contain the Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria which is harmful for the digestive system. Moreover, the bacteria can live under high temperature (more than 80oC). Although sushi and sashimi is very tempting, try not to eat too much, esepecially from the dubious dining places. Fresh seafood in Halong Bay

2. Never eat raw crab
Tips for safe dining of seafood in Halong
Tips for safe dining of seafood in Halong

Inside unprocessed Ha Long’s crab is a very dangerous parasitic bacteria named lung fluke that may mess up your respiratory system with symptoms like lead to severe cough, coughing up blood, or even cerebral paralysis. It is highly recommended that crabs have to be fully cooked for at least 20-30 minutes. Travel to Halong with Vietnam tours

3. Seafood shopping tips

Buying your own seafood in a market to bring back to your hotel and ask the chefs to cook for you is a very enjoyable experience. However, remember to choose ones which are still alive and fresh, because dead sea-animals, especially one that has shells, contain much higher level of bacteria or poisons.

4. Avoid drinking excessive beer while eating seafood

Scientists say drinking beer while eating seafood increases the probability of having gout or arthritis disease. Therefore, it is recommended that you limit your alcohol consumption when being served seafood.

5. Avoid having fruits/tea after having seafood

The reason is that the acid inside sour fruits may negatively affect the process of absorbing protein from seafood into your body. Besides, tannin from fruits may react with calcium and protein from seafood to stimulate your digestive system that leads to stomach-ache and vomiting. Same thing happens if you drink tea after a seafood meal.

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 10, 2014

Cách phân biệt nhung hươu thật giả

Hàng quý tộc khó kiểm định

Đặc tính của hươu nai giong là chỉ con đực mới mọc sừng. Khi mới mọc, sừng non (thường gọi lộc nhung) có chiều dài khoảng từ 5-20cm, mềm, mặt ngoài phủ đầy lông tơ màu nâu nhạt, phía trong sừng có nhiều mạch máu. Theo ông Lê Tá, một chủ trang trại từng nuôi hươu nai khai thác lộc tại quận 12 (TPHCM) nay đã giải nghệ, nhung hươu đẹp nhất nặng từ 5-6 lạng (500-600gram). Một đời hươu đực trải qua 16-18 lần cắt nhung, mỗi năm cho nhung một lần.

Ông Tá tâm tình: Khi đi mua nhung huou nguyen chat, vì sợ lầm hàng, người sành điệu chỉ mua lộc khi họ được tận mắt chứng kiến cảnh cưa cắt mà thôi. Nhưng không phải ai cũng có kinh nghiệm, thời gian, tiền bạc, sức khỏe để lặn lội hàng chục, thậm chí hàng trăm kilômet đến các trang trại đặng chứng kiến tận mắt cảnh cắt cưa ấy. Điều này đồng nghĩa với việc nhiều người phải mua lộc nhung qua các mối trung gian. Tận dụng cơ hội đó, dân buôn lộc trời ơi thường gả những cặp lộc quá lứa cho khách với giá hàng xịn.

Theo các chuyên gia, lộc nhung tốt là loại mềm, chưa phân yên, nghĩa là khi dùng dao cắt sẽ thái được toàn bộ chứ không đụng xương tảng, không đứt (dấu hiệu chuyển sang sừng).
Cách phân biệt nhung hươu thật giả
Cách phân biệt nhung hươu thật giả

Lương y Đỗ Mạch, ở phố thuốc Hải Thượng Lãn Ông (Q.5, TPHCM) chỉ rõ cách nhận biết giá trị thực tế của lộc nhung hươu, nai. Hươu có lông đen mịn, có đốm, còn nai thì to hơn hươu, lông cứng hơn, có màu xám hoặc nâu. Mùa thu hoạch nhung hươu thường vào tháng 2-3 âm lịch, mùa nhung nai chậm hơn 1-2 tháng sau đó. Nhung nai có màu sẫm, lông nâu, to, nặng và rẻ hơn nhung hươu. Nếu như lộc nhung nai có giá khoảng 5 triệu đồng một kilôgam thì lộc nhung hươu có giá trị hơn, khoảng từ 6-7 triệu đồng. Vấn đề ở chỗ nếu không biết cách nhận biết đâu là nhung hươu, nai thì khách rất dễ bị luộc.

Lương y Mạch tiết lộ xảo thuật làm giả lộc nhung huou tuoi nai của phường gian thương: Bọn gian tạo hình lộc nhung bằng cách nhét tiết lợn cùng xương thỏ băm nhỏ vào da chó, da dê con rồi dùng một loại keo đặc biệt dán chặt. Để chắc ăn, tiếp đó họ sẽ bôi thêm phẩm đỏ hoặc phẩm có màu nâu nhạt đặng xóa vết dán. Thấy cặp nhung đỏ màu tươi rói, nhiều người lao vào mua và… dính đạn.

Lương y Mạch khẳng định: Đây chính là cội nguồn của hiện tượng nhiều con buôn không nuôi hươu nai nhưng nếu khách có nhu cầu bao nhiêu cặp lộc nhung thì họ sẵn sàng đáp ứng trong thời gian ngắn nhất. Do vậy nếu không trực tiếp thấy chủ trang trại cắt lộc thì đừng… xông trận.

Cẩn trọng kẻo mất mạng!

Qua nghiên cứu, cả Đông lẫn Tây y đều đi đến kết luận, lộc nhung có tác dụng giúp người bệnh ngủ ngon, giảm mệt mỏi, tăng sức đề kháng cho cơ thể, giúp vết thương chóng lành và nhất là có tác dụng tốt với các chứng bệnh như tim, nhược năng, bệnh thần kinh thực vật…

Để bán được hàng và bán được với giá cao, nhiều ông bà chủ trang trại hươu nai nhân kết luận đó mạnh miệng tuyên bố thêm, nam-phụ-lão-ấu ai dùng lộc nhung cũng tốt. Người có bệnh thì dùng chữa bệnh, không bệnh thì giúp bồi bổ sức khỏe, ngăn ngừa bệnh tật.

Lại có vị chủ trại cam đoan ai dùng lộc nhung do trang trại mình cung cấp sẽ có nước da láng mịn, mái tóc mượt mà, đàn bà sung mãn, đàn ông thăng hoa. Các chứng bệnh như vô sinh, lao phổ, viêm gan, xơ gan… cũng bị dược tính của lộc nhung đẩy lùi mà dứt tiệt.

Nói đến đây, lương y Mạch lắc đầu: Không chỉ đồn uống rượu ngâm lộc nhung không lo chưa đến chợ đã hết tiền, nhiều ông bà chủ còn tuyên bố chắc nịch uống rượu lộc nhung có sức bắn phá lung tung, bắn chỗ nào là dính con trai chỗ nấy. Một đồn mười, mười đồn trăm, vậy là hình thành trào lưu… nguy hại.

Như lương y Mạch, lương y Hoàng Linh ở nhà thuốc Vạn Xuân cho rằng, lộc nhung có vị ngọt, mặn, có công năng bổ tủy, trợ thận âm…, biết dùng rất tốt cho sức khỏe nhưng nếu lạm dụng sẽ phản tác dụng bởi không phải ai dùng cũng tốt, càng không phải là thuốc tiên chữa bách bệnh.

Lương y Linh cảnh báo: Nhung hươu là chất bổ âm, chỉ dùng tốt với người thận dương không đủ. Những người bị cao huyết áp, có hội chứng âm hư với biểu hiện người gầy, hay có cảm giác sốt về chiều, môi khô, miệng khát, đại tiện táo, tiểu tiện sẻn đỏ… tuyệt đối không được dùng lộc nhung. Người còn trẻ hoặc có sức khỏe bình thường khi dùng lộc nhung phải tiến hành theo dõi tình trạng sức khỏe. Nói chung mọi người không được tùy tiện dùng lộc nhung khi chưa có chỉ định hoặc tham khảo ý kiến của các lương y, bác sĩ. Đã có nhiều trường hợp tự ý sử dụng lộc nhung và sử dụng vô tội vạ dẫn đến hậu quả thương tâm: Toàn thân bị co giật, động huyết, ngực phát nóng, liên tục đổ mồ hôi trộm… để rồi khỏe đâu không thấy, chỉ thấy bệnh tình càng nặng thêm.

Squid fishing on Halong Bay

Night Squid fishing in Halong Bay at night is an interesting activity at which tourists can experience the feeling of being a fisherman. Tourists will have the instruction from local fishermen about how to fish a squid in the sea.
Squid fishing on Halong Bay
Night Squid fishing is the most interesting activity and wonderful pleasure of the night journey on Halong Bay. Tourists are provided with fishing rods and racquets so that they can actively use them to catch squids. Tourists must be excited to clearly see light-drunken shoals of squids lazily hovering around; and, step by step each squid is enticed and picked up, remaining totally fresh and striving convulsively. Especially, during the squid season, it would be common to see large shoals of squids surrounding the cruiser and each tourist may catch an average of 30 squids for each squid fishing night. Read more: Map Halong bay

The squids caught will be used to make dishes for tourists. This is also an ideal time to gaze Halong bay by night. The sea water surface is sparkling with reflected light from cruises anchored on the bay. Foreign tourists are extremely fond of boiled whole squids because when eating, they can enjoy the interesting feeling of ink line breaking out pitch-black in the mouth, splashing all over the face and taking pictures. The tourists eat while singing Karaoke and dancing. In alcohol yeast, everyone becomes enthusiasm and excited singers and dancers. visit North Vietnam tours

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 10, 2014

Eco Tours Halong bay Where to go and What to do?

Halong Tours Booking introduces some eco-friendly activities in Halong bay - Catba area and a piece of knowlegde about Eco tourism. "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people."

1. Some eco tour products and activities in and around Halong bay:

Cycling tours: tour with main transportation is bicycle; You can join this activity in Cat Ba Island. In stead of taking a bus or car, you can contact us for a bike and ride to Halong bay. It is 170 km far and takes 7 hours in biking. Read more Halong bay map
Halong bay map
Halong bay map

Homestay tours: Come to visit and stay with the local people; the homestay can be in Cat Ba island, in some fishing villages on Halong bay. with this tour you  can work on the farm with the real farmer or being a fisherman with local people on the bay. Homestay can be on the way from Hanoi to Halong bay. It is Dong Trieu Potery village. This place is suitable if you get to Halong bay from Hanoi by Bike.

Kayaking and rafting tour: tours with main activity is kayaking or rafting. Almost of overnight Halong tours with Cruise will offer this activity; Example: Alova Gold Cruise Halong tour 3 days 2 nights offers 1 full day to kayaking; This kayking day is to discover Halong bay in a quite area with main activities is kayaking and swimming. biking_in_catba

Charity tours: tour with the main purpose is help the local community or the disadvantaged people. The children who live on the floating villages on Halong bay need your help/ assistance of food, clothes, book, medicine...They have no money and bad traffic condition to join the shool. Please come to help them.

National park tours: Tours with the main destination is the national parks or natural reserves. In Halong bay area, we have 2 National Parks: Bai Tu Long National Park and Cat Ba National Park. You can book tour with to join both those National Park to discover the natural heritage - Halong bay

Trekking tours: tour to the remote area with main activity is trekking or hiking; Trekking activities is very popular choice when you take a tour to Cat ba National Park.

Rock climbing tours: tour to the mountainous area and main activities is climbing. In Halong bay, you can take this tour for 3 days 2 nights - overnight in Cat Ba.
Example Itinerary can be:
Cat Ba Rock climbing in Monkey Island
Morning: Rock climbing
8:30am – 9:00am: Coastline ride into the small farming village of Lien Minh
9:00am – 9:30am: Basic instruction and introduction to Rock Climbing
9:30am – 12:30pm: Guided Rock Climbing in Butterfly Valley
12:30pm – 1:30pm: Delicious lunch on a bee farm with fresh local foods
1:30pm – 2:00pm: Return to Cat Ba TownChildren_on_Halong_bay

Community education tours: tourist and tour guides will conduct a short training for the local people about personal hygiene or language.

Camping tours: happened on the beach or in the Cat Ba national park; The camping can be on the deserted beach with double tent or at ready-set-up basecamp (also on beach) with bamboo hut depending on the weather condition and availability. Camping sites can be on Viet Hai Fishing Village or other suitable beaches around Cat Ba Island area. The crew (some people) from support boat will cook our dinner and make sure we have a comfortable night, dinner and overnight at the campsite.

2. What is Ecotourism?
The Definition
Ecotourism is defined as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." (TIES, 1990).
Offering market-linked long-term solutions, ecotourism provides effective economic incentives for conserving and enhancing bio-cultural diversity and helps protect the natural and cultural heritage of our beautiful planet.

By increasing local capacity building and employment opportunities, ecotourism is an effective vehicle for empowering local communities around the world to fight against poverty and to achieve sustainable development.wwf_logo

With an emphasis on enriching personal experiences and environmental awareness through interpretation, ecotourism promotes greater understanding and appreciation for nature, local society, and culture.

Principles of Ecotourism
Ecotourism is about uniting conservation, communities, and sustainable travel. This means that those who implement and participate in ecotourism activities should follow the following ecotourism principles:
Minimize impact.
Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.
Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.
Provide direct financial benefits for conservation.
Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people.
Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climate.

Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 10, 2014

Shopping in Halong Bay

Shopping is an essential part for any tourists. From shopping, tourists can learn more about culture and society of place that they visit, as well as bring home some nice souvenirs for their friends or family. There are several locations for tourists to purchase excellent souvenirs, but tourists should be aware of some issues that might negatively influence their shopping time here. Halong bay tours
One of the most serious problems in not only Halong City but also in various tourism spots in Vietnam is related to the price of products, or the way that sellers set prices for their goods. If tourists spend time on shopping places in this city, particularly at markets where prices have no apparent range and standard, they are usually ask for higher price for actual price of the products. Often, these prices can be 1.5 times higher than actual cost, but in some places where sellers are extremely avaricious, they can be 2 or 3 times higher. Therefore, suggestion to tourists is to carefully research about average price range of products that they desire to purchase before to not to be charged by sky high price. Tourists should bargain for a better price if they think the product is overpriced. However, tourists should not bargain in supermarkets or shopping centers, where prices are already set. 
Indochina Sails cruise halong
Shopping in Halong Bay
Shopping in Halong Bay

Another issue that tourists should be aware of is fake products. Halong City is located in Quang Ning Province, where has border with China. Therefore, fake products from China are bought frequently by local sellers to earn more profit. Therefore, tourists are recommended to check the quality and origin of products thoroughly before purchasing, as well as shop at ensured places such as shopping mall or authorized shops.

Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 10, 2014

Hon Chong travel guide

Whatever the tourist brochures tell you, Hon Chong is not the Halong Bay tours of the south -- it is as simple as that.

A few rock pinnacles and limestone karsts do not a Ha Long make.

That doesn't mean that it isn't a worthwhile destination in its own right, however. A welcoming seaside village set on a rugged coastline, Hon Chong makes for a decent R&R stop on any Mekong tour. This is especially the case if you're headed towards Cambodia for the overland crossing with Kep. Read more: V'spirit cruise Halong bay

Though it sees a flood of Vietnamese holidaymakers around Tet, it can feel practically deserted for the rest of the year, making it the ideal locale to lay back in a hammock and unwind.
Hon Chong travel guide
Hon Chong travel guide

Though the town's sole road fronts along a lovely pine-tree fringed beach, the swimming in Hon Chong isn't very good. The sand is too slimy, and the water too shallow -- those fisherman walking 20m from shore? They aren't on stilts. Read more: Vietnam tours

But the sand is still great for getting some sun, or enjoying a seafood lunch. You feel more active than this, the Chua Hang Grotto makes for a worthwhile afternoon out.

Hon Chong consists of only one beachfront road, along which all the town's hotels and restaurants are located. There is no hospital, bank or post office here, though on a good day, Ha Tien is only a few hours away over a dreadful road.

Internet doesn't seem to have quite made a splash in Hon Chong yet. For the moment, An Hai Son Resort has WiFi available in their restaurant, and you may be able to convince them to let you use one of the computers in their office.

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 9, 2014

Travel to Ben Tre

Travel to Ben Tre
Travel to Ben Tre
Ben Tre, the capital of the same-named province, is made up of three main islands wedged between the Tien Giang River to the north and to Co Chien River to the south with the Ham Luong River running straight down the centre. All are effectively offshoots of the Mekong River cruise as it splits out into many fingers before spilling out into the South China Sea. 

Famous for its coconut desserts, the province is suitably covered in coconut trees. During the war these coconut trees were used to make coconut oil which was then used as a valuable substitute for kerosene. Verdant and flat, the province is mostly given over to rice and fruit cultivation, though being an island province, fishing is another mainstay of the local economy. Traditional Mekong life is the norm here and it's a very unadulterated scene -- wandering the market, sipping the coffee, doing a boat trip and skipping through the local museum are the main pastimes. Read more: Travel to Vietnam

As far as exploring the Delta is concerned, Ben Tre is a dead-end province. Once you've experienced all the province has to offer, unless you have your own transport, you'll need to turn around and head back through My Tho to get any further into the Delta. Read more: Treasure junk Halong

This isn't to suggest Ben Tre isn't worth visiting -- it is. For starters you can do boat trips from here for less than at My Tho and, with its large network of minor canals, there's a lot of scope for riverine exploration. There's also a small museum and a pleasing riverfront worth investigating.

First things first -- Ben Tre town is clean -- it's as if somewhere between the bridge to My Tho and downtown you pass through a cleanliness vortex -- the roads are spotless, the pavements are tiled and smooth and there's little refuse -- even in the market.

If you're on a budget, Ben Tre is a far better base than My Tho -- it's a pleasant enough place, with a small town charm, that makes it an allround reasonable spot for those with enough time on their hands to dawdle slowly through the Delta. 

If you do have your own transport, Ben Tre is a good one for just hoping on the bike and going for a ride. Grand and flat with plenty of rice fields to go around, this is a very beautiful pocket of the Delta. Even by Mekong Delta standards, Ben Tre stands out for its verdant beauty, with rice cultivation going on all over the place. From Ben Tre town, cross the river and head east and - just - keep - going. The further you go the prettier it gets and the roads are pretty good and little trafficked. While you'll need a motorbike to get far, even the immediate surrounds are worth exploring by bicycle. The Oasis hires bicycles by the day and the Hung Vuong rents motorbikes should you need your own transport.

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 9, 2014

Đặc điểm của điều hòa âm trần Panasonic

Đối với các loại dieu hoa dành cho công trình , văn phòng nhà ở….thì điều hòa âm trần Panasonic luôn là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo nhất về cả chất lượng lẫn kiểu dáng. Cùng tìm hiểu kỹ hơn về những điều làm nên thương hiệu của Panasonic.

- Mặt trang trí vuông 950mm nhỏ gọn tinh tế phù hợp với tất cả các địa hình.
- Chức năng định thời gian chọn tuần
- Chế độ khử mùi
- Chức năng Economy( tiết kiệm điện)
- Khởi động lại ngẫu nhiên
- Chức năng auto fan ( quạt tự động)
- Chức năng khử ẩm ( Dry)
Không chỉ dừng lại ở đó, dieu hoa am tran còn hoàn hảo hơn với những chức năng
Đặc điểm của điều hòa âm trần Panasonic
Đặc điểm của điều hòa âm trần Panasonic

- Tự kiểm tra lỗi
- Tấm lọc Super alleru-buster
- Chọn cảm biến nhiệt độ chính(Đối với điều khiển có dây)
- Hoạt động ở môi trường thấp ( dòng 2 chiều): máy có thể hoạt động ở môi trường nhiệt độ cực thấp,lý tưởng cho việc làm lạnh trong mùa đông.
- Quản lý khởi động chiều nóng ( 2 chiều)
- Chức năng sưởi ấm làm lạnh tự động.
Ba kiểu chỉnh hướng gió của dieu hoa am tran panasonic cũng nâng cao mức độ thoải mái.
Lắp đặt dễ dàng linh hoạt, có thể nâng cao 750mm so với đáy máy đơn giản bằng cách dùng co nối. Giúp đi đường ống thêm dễ dàng tinh tế khi chọn vị trí lắp đặt khổi trong nhà.
Bảo trì 3 tháng 1 lần để đạt mức độ thoải mái tối ưu. Nhà phân phối số 1 máy dieu hoa Panasonic | điều hòa Daikin | LG | dieu hoa Funiki | Gree tại Việt Nam

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 9, 2014

Vinh Long travel guide

The roughly oblong-shaped province of Vinh Long sits on a long Delta island, with the Tien Giang Mekong river cruises running along its northern border and the Hau Giang (Bassac) river running to its south. Lush and heavily cultivated with both rice and fruit orchards, the province is criss-crossed with canals and tributaries all flowing into the teeming rivers that form its borders. It’s not surprising that the name Vinh Long translates to "eternal prosperity".

Most travellers will spend their time in the eponymous provincial capital. While a medium-sized town, most points of interest in Vinh Long town sit in the northeast corner where the Co Chien river meets the Long Ho canal. This corner of town is also a popular spot for locals to sit back, slurp coffee and scoff banh mi while the chocolate brown river waters roar past (and it does roar here). This area also hosts a large wet market that borders a bustling central market, some gold shops and plenty of eating opportunities. Read more: Mango cruise

Vinh Long travel guide
Vinh Long travel guide

Vinh Long is used as a base for those visiting the floating market at Cai Be (which is actually in Tien Giang province) and is known for its homestays on An Binh island to the north. While just a trickle of foreign travellers come through, compared to My Tho further downriver, the boat trips here are more affordable and the homestays offer a terrific opportunity to experience Mekong life firsthand – it's worth stopping here. The tours operating out of Saigon often hop, skip and jump through, combining a trip to Cai Be on the way to Can Tho so very few people overnight here -- don't be surprised when you're the only Westerner in the town's sole disco. Read more: Centre Vietnam Packages

The Vinh Long tourist office can organise homestays and boat trips but both are significantly more expensive than organising something on a more freelance basis -- walk up to the ferry to An Binh island and don't be surprised to be approached for a homestay or boat trip at lower prices. While the tourist office warns, "Using an outside operator carries no insurance should very bad things happen", we didn't find anything very bad happening.

Unlike other floating markets, Cai Be operates well into the day, so if you're in a rush, it's feasible to arrive in Vinh Long early in the morning (say from My Tho), do a boat trip out to the market and returning to Vinh Long by early afternoon with plenty of time to push onto Can Tho. Most trips to Cai Be run for at least three hours as the trip there takes about 45 minutes each way (depending on the route taken and the boat used).

Aside from the river trips and the homestays, Vinh Long isn't screaming out with grade A tourist attractions -- it's other claim to fame is Van Thanh Mieu pagoda, a sprawling complex set in a tranquil garden setting. About 20 kilometres west of Vinh Long lies Sa Dec, a pretty riverside town that was the backdrop to 1991 French movie The Lover.

Vinh Long doesn’t have the tourism infrastructure of My Tho or Can Tho so expect to rough it a bit. However, the city has a certain charm and the homestays in An Binh are refreshingly hassle-free and worth a night or two. Also, if you have your own transport, getting out into the surrounding countryside is well worthwhile.

From the Vinh Long river bank, if you look to the west you can see the twin towers of the My Thuan bridge jutting into the sky. Built with financial assistance from Australia, the bridge did away with the ferries and greatly improved access to the greater Delta from Saigon. One does wonder why it is so high -- perhaps the AusAID officials in Saigon wanted to be able to point out its spires from their offices.

The riverside corner of town houses the post office (14 Hoang Thai Hieu) and most corners around the central market have ATMs. The hospital is a bit out of town on Tran Phu and unless it’s an emergency, we suggest making the trip to Ho Chi Minh City where medical care is better.

Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 8, 2014

Chẩn đoán và xử lý sự cố điều hòa

Bài viết này chúng tôi mong muốn được chia sẻ với bạn đọc một vài các sự cố dieu hoa cơ bản giúp bạn có thể tự khắc phục được hoặc ít nhất cũng hiểu được tại sao trước khi gọi đến một trung tâm dịch vụ sửa chữa. Vì lý do an toàn điện, chúng tôi không khuyến khích người sử dụng không nên tự sửa chữa điều hòa, trừ các trường hợp như điều chỉnh romte hoặc kiểm tra đóng mở CB nguồn.

Điều hòa tủ đứng giá rẻ nhiệt độ mất nguồn
Hiện tượng : khi mở CB hoặc cầu dao mà không nghe tiếng “bíp” trên dàn lạnh.
Chẩn đoán và xử lý sự cố điều hòa
Chẩn đoán và xử lý sự cố điều hòa


Hở mạch : kiểm tra nguồn vào tại CB, cầu dao, chỗ đấu dây trên dàn lạnh có bị hở không.
CB hư : CB bị nóng hoặc gạt lên gạt xuống lúc có điện lúc không, trường hợp này nên thay CB mới với dòng cắt tương đương CB cũ.
Hư board điều khiển trên dàn lạnh : gọi nhân viên kỹ thuật đến kiểm tra.
Remote bấm không có tác dụng
Hiện tượng : Khi hướng remote về board nhận tín hiệu trên dàn lạnh và bấm các nút điều khiển mà không nghe tín hiệu hồi đáp.


Pin yếu hoặc hết pin : thay pin mới.
Remote hư : sử dụng remote cùng loại khác để kiểm tra.
Board nhận tín hiệu trên dàn lạnh hư : thay cảm biến hồng ngoại hoặc thay board.
Gió thổi ra khỏi dàn lạnh có mùi hôi

Máy điều hòa âm trần Có mùi hôi nấm mốc: do lâu ngày không sử dụng nên có nấm mốc trong dàn lạnh. Máy chạy khoảng một chút sẽ hết mùi hôi. Nên vệ sinh máy vì nấm mốc không tốt cho sức khỏe.
Có mùi hôi nhà vệ sinh : do ống nước xả dàn lạnh nối trực tiếp với hệ thống ống nước xả nhà vệ sinh hoặc hố gas mà không có bẫy hơi, mùi hôi trong ống xả hoặc hố gas đi ngược vào dàn lạnh gây hôi.
Có mùi hắc của gas : dàn lạnh bị xì gas. Trường hợp này nên tắt máy và mở cửa phòng và quạt hút cho thông thoáng. Gas lạnh ở nồng độ cao sẽ gây choáng hoặc bất tỉnh nếu hít phải.
Dàn lạnh bị chảy nước, vỏ dàn lạnh bị đọng sương, gió thổi ra ở dạng sương hoặc thổi ra giọt nước, dàn lạnh bị đóng tuyết

Đa số các trường hợp này là do dàn lạnh bị dơ, cần phải vệ sinh.
Nếu dàn lạnh bị chảy nước nhiều : ống nước xả bị nghẹt hoặc bị sút
Nếu dàn lạnh thổi ra giọt nước : dàn lạnh quá dơ. Trong một số trường hợp là do lỗi nhà sản xuất, các dàn lạnh này có một số khe hở quá lớn nên quạt hút luôn các giọt nước thổi ra ngoài.
Dàn lạnh bị đóng tuyết : quạt dàn lạnh không quay hoặc quay chậm. Nên sửa quạt ngay nếu không có thể dẫn tới hư máy nén (block)
Máy không lạnh hoặc lúc lạnh lúc không

Chỉnh chế độ hoạt động trên remote không đúng : kiểm tra trên remote đã chỉnh đúng chế độ (mode) Cool hoặc Auto không, nếu không thì chỉnh lại. Các chế độ Dry, Fan, Heat đều không làm lạnh. Một số trường hợp bật chế độ Timer cũng có thể không lạnh. Nên đọc kỹ hướng dẫn sử dụng kèm theo máy để sử dụng máy đúng cách. Trường hợp này thường gặp rất nhiều và gây bực mình cho các nhân viên kỹ thuật.
Xì hết gas : kiểm tra rất dễ bằng cách quan sát 2 ống đồng nối vào dàn nóng, cả 2 ống nhỏ và lớn đều không ướt, sờ vào không lạnh (khi máy lạnh hoạt động tốt, cả 2 ống đều có nhiệt độ gần bằng nhau khoảng 5-7oC, nhìn bằng mắt 2 ống đều bị ướt). Gió thổi ra dàn nóng không nóng.
Quạt dàn nóng bị sự cố: theo dõi khoảnh 10-20 phút không thấy quạt dàn nóng quay hoặc quay chậm hơn bình thường. Khi quạt dàn nóng không quay hoặc quay chậm, máy nén (block) sẽ chạy và ngưng bất thường (lắng nghe tiếng máy nén chạy)
Máy nén (block) bị sự cố : quạt dàn nóng quay nhưng máy nén không chạy (không nghe tiếng máy nén chạy)
Board điều khiển trên dàn lạnh hư.
Trường hợp máy lúc lạnh lúc không là do chỉnh remote ở chế độ Dry hoặc sự cố
ở dàn nóng hoặc bị thiếu gas.
Trong tất cả các trường hợp này, người sử dụng nên tắt máy và gọi ngay nhân viên kỹ thuật đến sửa, không nên cho máy chạy tiếp vì sẽ dẫn tới hư máy nén.

Máy kém lạnh

Bị thiếu gas : quan sát 2 ống đồng nối vào dàn nóng, ống nhỏ bị bám tuyết, ống lớn không ướt nếu sờ vào không lạnh lắm. Gió thổi ra dàn nóng không nóng lắm.
Dàn lạnh và dàn nóng bị dơ.
Máy không đủ công suất do lắp vào phòng quá lớn (máy 1HP chỉ có thể làm lạnh cho phòng sinh hoạt gia đình tối đa 45m3 ở nhiệt độ khoảng 24-25oC).

Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 8, 2014

Violet cruise Reviews

The positive points of the Cruise highly hide out the negligible negative aspects of the boat because all the people find it so comfortable, so relaxing and so economical, that they recommend it to everyone. The services rendered by the crew are very appreciable and the entire trip is managed in a very excellent manner. Everything is very comfortable in the excellent Violet Cruise Halong bay.
Cruise Description:
If you want to experience the beauty of top tourist destination of Vietnam- Cruise Halong Bay, then you must experience it on the most luxurious cruise of the Halong Bay i.e. the Violet Cruise.
The Violet cruises are the best service providers in the Halong Bay. If you want to travel around to see the explicit beauties of the Halong Bay, then Violet Cruise will be the best available option for you. Its golden sails, marvellous decor and excellent services make it the most unique and versatile cruise in the Halong Bay.
Violet cruise halong bay
Violet cruise Halong bay
By travelling on the Violet Cruise, you will experience the most unforgettable journey of a relaxed sophistication. Violet Cruise offers attractive packages, exquisite deals and outstanding services to the people. Read more: Paradise cruise Halong, Halong Indochina Sails cruise
You can enjoy sunbathing in the beautiful sundecks of the cruise. The food is fresh and great. You can enjoy the taste of the soft drinks by sitting in the bars with perfect romantic background music. The restaurants are attentive, the crew is great and the accommodations are excellent. All kinds of dishes are served to relinquish the people who come from all over the world to see the Halong Bay. The rooms, cabins, lounges, balconies, suites and   parlours are actively excellent. If you want to see the beauty of the Halong Bay, then Violet Cruise will be the most compelling option.
Cruise Itinerary:
The two days itinerary of the Violet Cruise starts in the day time, when the guests are welcomed by the cruise’s crew. The lunch is served in the dining halls while the boat sails through the beautiful magical bay. The itinerary allocates separate time for kayaking, swimming, fishing and other activities.
The cruise takes the people to the floating village in the afternoon where people can easily have conversations with the fishermen living there. You can ask them about their way of living and can gather some useful information about the place as well. You will also get an opportunity to explore the nearby mountains and caves around the Halong Bay. Kayaking and swimming activities are usually carried out by the people sailing on the cruise.
All the important places are shown to the people by the great Violet Cruise. The experience on the Violet Cruise is worth sharing and recommending as well. If you are travelling to Vietnam, then Violet Cruise is must to be experienced.
Who will enjoy:
As it is a luxury Cruises and has a capacity to accommodate a large number of people, therefore, people of all ages can enjoy on it. It is perfect for families, friends, couples and children to send time in. So, if you want to enjoy your vacations in Vietnam, book a cabin in Violet Cruise to experience the most exciting days of your life.